Your smile can be damaged at any time and is often at risk for numerous lifestyle choices and habits you may partake in. Even though we often may not think of the long-term risks on our teeth, we realize that short-term risks can occur as well as they can easily destroy your smile in seconds. Even though some oral... read more »
A dental filling is often used to repair a chip, small cavity, minor dental attrition, or another type of minor physical imperfection that is limited to the tooth’s enamel layer. While they are meant to last a long time, it is none the less possible for a dental filling to eventually degrade its relationship to the neighboring tooth enamel. Sometimes... read more »
We all know to brush our teeth twice a day, but, how do we keep our mouths clean in between brushing? One solution could be a little unexpected: chewing gum! Studies have shown that chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes after eating can help prevent cavities. Let’s talk about how this works. Chewing on sugarless gum activates your body’s salivary... read more »
Healthy periodontal tissues and teeth are important to your overall oral function and the appearance of your smile. Unfortunately, gum disease and cavities are an all too frequent problem afflicting the oral health of millions of Americans each year. To help maintain the health of your teeth and gums the American Dental Association provides a series of recommendations and informational... read more »
Not only are cavities unhealthy and painful, they can also be unsightly if they in a tooth that can be easily seen by other people. If your filling does not not blend in with your tooth, you might feel uncomfortable in work and social situations. While fillings made of gold or an amalgam are durable, and are ideal for molars... read more »
It doesn’t matter if you are replacing a few teeth, or an entire row, if you are receiving your first set of dentures, then you should know that it will take some time to get used to them. It will take a little time, but you will be accustomed to them in due time. Your dentures will feel bulky for... read more »
Here at Maple Ridge Dental, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these articles.... read more »